The LORD is working!!!

How's this for God working?! Today, a woman came into the Child Development Center to pick up her child. While talking, Jeff and George engaged in some friendly converstation with her. She proceeded to tell them that she was frustrated with New Orleans and getting out of town for good. Her landlord had kicked her out of the place she rented to allow for some of his family to move in who were displaced by the flood. So, she decided to go online and search for a place to live. She took a "home placement survey" to determine what area in the U.S. she should search for homes based on her answers and interests. Guess where it said she should move? Raleigh, NC!!! Coincidence? I THINK NOT! Jeff immediately got online an

We also found out that many of our parents at Kamp Katrina had thier power turned on for the first time last night! That was around one full month without power in their home...some lived out of hotels, while others roughed it at the

Over at East Jefferson, John shared a very powerful story about a Y member who he had time to chat with. This man is a mailman who suffered some injuries during the storm and half of his face is paralyzed. While talking to John, he said he was so glad that the Y was
now open, and that "...for my one hour each day at the Y it seems like everything in life is back to normal."
We got to journey on two adventures tonight. Our first, we walked through neighborhoods behind the Child Development Center and looked at some of the damage. Trees through houses, power lines down, major debris on the side of the road, gererators blaring, the whole works. Our second, a group trip to Wendy's (drive through only, still closing ealry) where we proceeded to order 13 meals...let me just tell you that when only a few resturaunts in town are open and lines are extremly long, people tend to frown when you make 13 orders! Did I mention

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