Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Wendy On The Radio, George plays with Barbies!

While watching tv coverage of New Olreans, I'm sure you have tried to imagine what it's really like down here. As we prepared for our trip, we had some of those same questions. After riding around the area for a few days, here it what we discovered-New Orleans and the surrounding areas are in an extremely unique situation, almost comparible to a third world country. For example, 10 minutes away from the East Jefferson Y is downtown New Orleans. Some areas are still flooding and under water as we speak, and there are curfews, checkpoints, etc. only allowing certain personel into the city. But, right before the huge checkpoint that leads you into a ravished city with no power is a Popeye's chicken and biscuits serving up food like it's a normal day. That's kind of the theme down here-some people are almost back to living the normal life(going to work, eating dinner, watching the tube), while others can't even remember what the normal life is like and still havent been allowed back into their parish to see the damage done to thier home. It's kind of an eerie and awkward feeling. We have some campers whose parents are going to thier daily job (the hopsital and into the city to clean up,etc.) while one parent is out of a job as a schoolteacher because her school is underwater and will not reopen this year...As of Nov. 1st, she loses her pay, benefits, and tenure. So first and foremost, that is our #1 prayer- you can be praying for stability and a firm foundation in this community...pray for the time where the residents of New Orleans and the surrounding areas can live on the same page.

The team at East Jefferson had their work cut out for them this morning! Steve and Lawrie were workaholics, re-planting trees, painting the gym floor, you name it! Meanwhile, Wendy worked on getting a live announcement on the radio station about the Y offering child care tommorow. After 5 hours of dialing, and 1 hour on hold, Wendy FINALLY got on the air and gave a blurb about the opportunities at the Y! Calls immediately started to come in.

Over at Kamp Katrina, the team made huge progress giving camp the YMCA of the Triangle flavor. Bead necklaces, character traits, silly songs and cheers, Nick in fake dredlocks and a dress riding a wooden horse, John and Corey vying for the champion of "how long can you sit on the big giant aerobic ball without touching the ground and falling off" (Dont ask!), messy A & C with Ryan leading the hour long clean up, the whole nine yards! Down the hall in the nursery, George and Richard played with barbies and pretend food, while Jeff, Jennifer, Lisa and Kelly changed diapers, rocked babies to sleep, and used tons of hand sanitizer!

So far, we've found that one of the times we look forward to is back at our temporary home at the West St. Tammany YMCA trading stories about our day. Is is such a great time of fellowship and bonding amounst our Y family who we don't always get to talk and interact with. Tommorow, John, Kelly and Steve are headed back down to East Jefferson to help with any kids who are able to come in after hearing the radio announcement, while the rest of us head back to Kamp Katrina. Thanks so much for the continued support. We read and share the comments, and they really lift our spirits!


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